Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I'm alive

I'm short on time, but wanted to at least reward you for checking back! Thanks for doing so. I arrived in Ghana three weeks ago today! Seems like yesterday...and a long time ago. We spent the first several days outside Accra, getting to know each other, learning about general PC policies, getting shots, etc. We then each traveled to visit a current volunteer to see what we were getting ourselves into. We then all met back in Techiman. We stayed at a hotel for a few days (more policies, more shots) and then moved into villages for our homestays last weekend. I really like my family, but am looking forward to the day when I can have a conversation with my mom and dad in Twi (they don't speak English). I am learning Twi slowly and usually rely on one of my sisters or brothers, when they are around, to play translator. A dilect of Twi will be spoken at my site, which will be about an hour or two from Techiman. I'm thankful I'm not having to learn two different languages at the same time like some of the other volunteers. Hopefully, over the next couple of months I will get a pretty good grasp of the language....and learn about planting tress and whatnot. Tomorrow we'll be learning how to make a more fuel efficient stove (many folks just balance a pot on three bricks over a fire) and later this week will be building the fence to one of the community gardens we will be creating as part of training. I'm excited to get out and do some hands-on learning...and hopefully it won't be as hot as it was this afternoon.

Monday through Wedneday I have language and sector training (there are 15 in the environment sector), then Thursday and Friday all three sectors (water and sanitation, small business development) meet in Techiman for more policies, shots, etc. Saturdays we have a half day of language, misc. sector work and free time and Sundays we have off, although there will be an optional field trip each week. This past Sunday we went hiking to a nearby cave and that was a lot of fun. I think we are headed to a monkey sanctuary in a few weeks! I haven't seen any exotic wildlife to date, though. It's like living in a petting zoo at times with goats and roosters roaming all over the place. I'm still getting used to their 4am wake up, although my family isn't far behind sweeping the courtyard and the other daily chores.

I'm out of time, so until next time (and it will likely be a while)...know that I'm doing well and I look forward to sharing my experience in more detail when I can.

Thanks for all the letters, emails and prayers.

I hope all is well with you and yours...

Kwami Amankwa (my local family name)

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